Our Top 3 Favorite Baby Wraps

Our Top 3 Favorite Baby Wraps

Kelly Collopy

There’s no denying that no matter how cute and snuggly your infant is, sometimes your arms need a little TLC. That’s where babywearing steps in, a favorite practice among new and veteran parents everywhere. Baby wraps in particular have been around for centuries and used across cultures as a way to keep your little one close and secure, while also freeing up your hands to allow for multi-tasking. The wrap has since evolved paving the way to even more structured and supportive options like ergonomic carriers, hiking ‘backpacks’ and more. 

What Is a Baby Wrap?

In its most organic form, a baby wrap is essentially a piece of long fabric you tie and securely knot around yourself to create a ‘pouch’ across your chest, hip or back where your baby can rest. The fabric usually wraps over your shoulders and across your torso and is meant to distribute your little love’s body weight along your shoulders and hips. Unlike its counterpart – the baby carrier – there are no clasps, rings or buckles, just simple fabric with various tying options and babywearing positions. Baby wraps can typically be used with newborns, who meet the appropriate weight requirement, and often up until your child is 18 months old or exceeds specified weight limits.

Okay, great! So now that we covered all of our bases, how does a mama choose? We took a close look at brands we personally have loved with our own children, in addition to the reviews left by our Stork Exchange community to develop this ultimate list of favorite baby wraps. PS: All of which are available to shop at a discount, secondhand on our carefully curated preloved baby gear marketplace!

When You Want the Softest Baby Wrap

Solly Baby

The Solly Baby Loop Wrap combines the comfort of a baby wrap with the support of a structured baby carrier. Lightweight, including a sewn-in ring, and made with cool to the touch, organic cotton means this wrap is not only ultra soft but can be used all year long in any climate without turning you into a sweaty mess. Shop this Like-New Solly Baby Loop Wrap over on Stork Exchange!

When You Need Options

Moby Baby Wrap

When it comes to multi-positions, Moby has your back…quite literally! With Moby parents can easily choose between an inward front-facing position or the hip carry. The Moby fits wearers of all sizes and can be used with babies from eight pounds up to 35. And for fans of the Classic Moby Wrap, you have got to check out the Moby Evolution! To put it simply, Moby Evolution is a lighter version of the Classic Moby, made from soft, breathable fabric. Shop this Factory Sealed Moby Evolution Wrap over on Stork Exchange!

When You Crave Simplicity

Konny Baby Carrier

The Konny Baby Carrier has been deemed, ‘the simplest and lightest, custom-fit baby carrier’ and for good reason! Wear it just like a t-shirt and you’ll be surprised just how easy it and effortless wearing your baby can be. Designed to help reduce back and neck pain, the Konny Baby Carrier is safe to use from birth up to 44 lbs, making it the only carrier you need for your growing baby! Shop this Like-New Konny Baby Carrier over on Stork Exchange!

Now that you’ve perused our favorite products, let’s chat about actually wearing your baby! Whether you’ve purchased new, received a hand-me-down, or opted to buy a second hand baby wrap, here are two super easy methods to wearing that truly are foolproof for both you and your little love:

The Hug Position. Best for children 1-18 months or 8-25 lbs. This position holds the baby upright, tummy to tummy with the wearer.

Outward ‘Explore’ Position. Ideal for children displaying good neck control, typically around 5-6 months old. Make sure your baby is seated in an ergonomic position by checking that the carrier supports your baby’s bottom and thighs fully across their seated width and that your baby also is seated with their pelvis tilted and their knees tucked up higher than the hips.

One of the most important factors in baby wearing is selecting a product that works just as well for you as it does for your little love. Baby gear can add up fast, which is why we are proud to offer a wide variety of secondhand baby slings, used baby wraps and preloved structured baby carriers from premium brands you know and trust. Shop conditions such as open box, factory sealed and more, while reviewing detailed product information and images, allowing you to shop with confidence.