5 Underrated Baby Registry Items

5 Underrated Baby Registry Items

Kelly Collopy

As an expectant mother, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all things baby. Not only are you juggling the ups and downs of pregnancy while adjusting to a growing belly, you’re likely thinking about all the things you must have for when your little one finally arrives. The nursery, your diaper bag essentials, feeding items and more – creating your baby registry can become daunting. 

Most often baby registries contain a lot of what a mama and babe need in those first few months after birth, missing a few key items that will come in handy as you both learn and grow together! While these may not be the most exciting things on your registry, we are sharing five commonly overlooked items we know you’ll appreciate having on your list. 

For Mama: Nipple Cream & Breast Shields

For the moms-to-be who plan to nurse, nipple butter will help soothe soreness and dry skin, while breast shields can provide an optimum fit for comfortable pumping. And when it comes to breast shields, size does matter! Making sure to purchase shields that fit your unique body helps both you and baby get the most benefit.

Want to explore additional nursing support items? Easily research and shop factory sealed breast shields and breastfeeding essentials at a discount on our second hand baby store, Stork Exchange. 

For the Convenience Factor: Baby Brezza

If you have a feeling that formula feeding is in your future then don't hesitate to register for a Baby Brezza; it’s basically a Keurig for formula! In less than 10 seconds the Baby Brezza whips up a warm, perfectly mixed bottle, which can be a real lifesaver during those time-crunch kinda moments. While the Baby Brezza may be a pricey registry item at full retail cost, our carefully curated second hand baby store offers some fantastic Baby Brezza finds at a deep discount!

When you hear used Baby Brezza, you’re probably thinking outdated and worn. But at Stork Exchange, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find a variety of ‘like new’, ‘factory sealed’ and ‘open box’ Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Baby Formula Dispensers that offer all the same convenience and control, at a much lower price point. When it comes to bottle making, the Baby Brezza certainly takes the guesswork out of the process, making it a must-have registry item in our opinion!

For When You're On the Go: Portable High Chair

A portable highchair can make life way more efficient when you're on the go! Forget worrying about whether there will be a booster seat for your little one next time you go out, let alone a clean one. Compact and travel friendly, a portable high chair is perfect for taking out to eat, to a friend's home, to grandma's, the list goes on. When sourcing a portable high chair, we are big fans of items that offer a 5 point harness and a weight limit that allows the chair to be used overtime as your little love grows. 

For When Life Gets Messy: Baby Lounger Cover

Let's face it you'll be doing enough laundry with onesies and burp cloths alone! A cover for your baby lounger not only allows you to change up your style every now and then, but also makes dealing with impending messes faster and easier. An easy add-on that you don’t want to overlook when creating your baby registry!

For the Next Phase: First Feeding Set

Like we said earlier, often a baby registry is focused on those newborn months, but it's never too early to plan for the next exciting phase. Yup, it may seem like you have forever to go, but before you know it, baby will be ready to explore self feeding! Silicone plates, bowls and spoons are our favorite way to start. 

We hope you keep this list handy when you’re registry-building. These often-forgotten items may not get the most applause at your baby shower, but trust us, they deserve a spot on every baby registry!