Our Favorite Must-Haves for a Second Baby
Kelly Collopy
There’s a lot about growing your family that gets easier after your first rodeo, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a little help along the way! As parents of two under two, we’ve recently experienced this first hand.
So, whether you’re planning a formal baby registry or simply making a list of must-haves for yourself, check out some of the items we’ve found extra helpful when preparing for baby number two!
Double Stroller
If your kids are close enough in age where you need one, a double stroller may just be your saving grace! One of our favorite double stroller options, available on our second hand baby store, is the Graco Ready2Grow 2.0 Double Stroller. Having everything you could need for your two little ones, this double stroller can even handle two Graco infant car seats at once, talk about easy!
At the end of the day, finding the double stroller that works best for you and your family, doesn’t have to be difficult. A few additional attributes we recommend: multiple seating configurations, each seat offering a wide weight range for longevity, extra storage space, cup holders and a parent organizer.
Second Set of Furniture
Depending upon your situation and age gap, extra nursery furniture may be needed. Items like a second convertible crib or changing table (bonus points if it comes with storage!) will ultimately make the addition of a new little easier, rather than having to rush transitioning your oldest child. Don’t be shy when it comes to shopping second hand, either! Items like used cribs often are listed as factory sealed or open box, meaning they are as good as new!
Tushbaby Hip Carrier
When it comes to carrying your little one, comfort, convenience, and safety are paramount. Enter the Tushbaby Hip Carrier—a game-changer for parents seeking an ergonomic and user-friendly baby carrier that not only supports your body and your kiddo, but also doubles as storage for all your stuff! Not only can the Tushbaby Hip Carrier newborn-friendly but it can also be used to help support tired toddlers too, making the it the ultimate carrier choice for families of multiples! Ideal fo active parents and families on-the-go, the Tushbaby Hip Carrier offers multiple carrying positions, and with that type of versatiity you can easily adjust based on which child your carrying and thier unique preferences and developmental stage. And don't forget all that storage space! With multiple pockets, you can carry essentials like diapers, wipes, keys, and even your phone without needing an extra bag. Talk about convenience, the keyword when parenting multiples!
Second Baby Monitor
Yup, trust us, having an additional monitor – especially if your littles aren’t sharing a room – certainly makes caring for both babies way less stressful! When nap schedules or nighttime routines compete, having dual monitors allows you to keep security in check while you juggle giving both children the attention they need.
New Bottle Nipples
Consider new bottles too! Why? Well, most baby bottle nipples are made from silicone or rubber, and both of those substances break down over time. Silicone or rubber can also degrade after exposure to heat from repeated washings and sterilization baths (see our recent natural bottle cleaning post for tips!). For this reason, you should replace bottle nipples for baby number two.
Baby Lounger Cover
Let’s face it, newborn life is messy! It’s likely that your current baby lounger and covers are stained and maybe even a bit worn. Rather than purchase an entirely new lounger, grabbing a few extra covers makes it easier on your wallet and your sanity, as you cycle through loads of laundry.
As you’ve already experienced with your first baby, there is a LOT to get, and fortunately a lot of those essentials can be passed on to your second little. But we certainly hope that this checklist comes in handy as you get ready to welcome another little love into your family!